Wiccan Earrings
Wicca makes use of many striking motifs and symbols, as seen in the designs of the Wiccan earrings offered here. We carry Wiccan hook earrings and Wiccan stud earrings featuring crescent moons, pentagrams, ravens, the triple goddess, and heptagrams. Additionally, we offer a series of dangle earrings featuring wedge-shaped earrings that celebrate each of the eight Sabbats – Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, and Samhain. Most of our earring designs require pierced ears to wear. Peruse our Wicca earring section to find the perfect pair to accompany one of our Wiccan necklaces or pendants for a stunning look!