Whether you wish to go hunting with the Stag and Wood Layered-Steel Skinning Knife or just plan on displaying it, this knife is a great choice. Made from Damascus steel, this knife has a wide, clip point blade. Next, the full tang knife continues with a curved handle. The handle has two sections. The smaller section is closer to the blade and made of antler. The larger section is wood. Pins hold both sections in place. Overall, the handle has a curved shape which makes it more comfortable to hold. Finally, this knife comes with a brown leather sheath. At the top, the sheath has a loop for sliding it onto a belt, not included. This Damascus skinning knife makes a wonderful addition to someones outdoor gear as well as a blade collection.
Please note that as this is made with natural materials, it may vary in color and pattern.
Key Features:
- Fully functional
- Features a dual-piece handle
- Has a full tang clip point blade
- Comes with a brown sheath
- Wonderful for a variety of tasks
- Great for displaying or collecting
- Blade is Damascus steel
- Guard is brass
- Handle is antler and wood
- Sheath is leather
- Overall Length: 6 Inches
- Rockwell Hardness: 52-58
Measurements are approximate.
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