In Middle-Earth, the moon has a magical connection to the Elves, who use its light to write hidden messages. With the Rivendell Silver Moon Necklace, you can venerate this mystic link, as well as some other features of Elvish lore. This beautiful silver pendant is crafted to resemble the coins used by the Elves as currency. Its crescent moon figure also represents the shape of the Rivendell valley, and its front depicts the Trees of Silver and Gold, flanked by waterfalls, with the three Silmarils, forged by the light cast through their branches, hovering at their roots. The back of the pendant features gorgeous Sindarin writings denoting that the necklace was forged during the rule of Elrond. The Rivendell Silver Moon Necklace is the perfect gift for the fantasy fanatic in your life.
Key Features:
- Based on the crescent-moon coin used by the Elves
- Depicts the trees and Silmarils of Middle-Earth lore
- Includes a chain with a clasp for easy wearing
- Officially licensed Lord of the Rings product
- Perfect for fans of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien
- Crafted from .999 silver
- Pendant Diameter: 1.25 Inches
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